OK so my appointment on the 6th of April at 3.30 was actually on the 5th of April!! Momentary brain fart. SO dodged that bullet, didn't need to go and get angry at Asian oncologist biarch who makes me feel like a fruitcake, "don't you think if drinking juice did anything it would be a standard treamtent" smart arse!! Then you wouldn't have a job if people actually took care of their health and your employers (phamaceutical companies) would go broke! SO I have no idea what the neaurosurgeons have decided, I guess if that wanted to crack the old skull open again they would hunt me down! As there are students that need to learn. Apparently they will send a new appointment out, not sure that suits me!
Big month this month!! Need to start the new journey, easter, plus I will officially own a 4 year old boy! Apparently we need a green bike, and not too fussed on a party......he says now! So I better googled 'how to be a mother and give them a good birthday' ideas.
I was standing in a coffee shop the other day and the owner was talking to a customer, no I was not listening, and the customer was asking something about old loves health and she replied "oh they still don't know" and the customer was like "goodness this has been going on for a long time" "try years! I wish they would just tell me if I'm dying or not"......what the?? How sad to be living with that thought in the back of your mind, and once again I blame bloody Dr's who play God and think they can tell people if they are "dying"! Well obviously you champion, we are ALL dying!! How about they concentrate on finding out what the problem is and seeing whether they can help, rather than scaring the shit out of people. And when they find what it is how about trying to FIX it rather than masking with their beloved drugs.
Speaking of dying. My goat is a little up again this week! Smokers! I truly do not understand smokers. If I knew what it was that had made my tumour grow I would never go near it again, never let anyone I know go near it. Why do people do something they know could potentially kill them? And not in a pleasant go to sleep one night and wake up dead kind of way! More like in a I struggle to breath and I'm coughing up my lung ling kind of way. More like in a I now have cancer and my stupid justification for smoking seem so stupid now. More in a I have primary lung cancer that has now travelled to my other organs, bones and brain kind of way. You will wish you were dead, but not before you regret ever having picked up a cigarrette saying "well we all have to die of something" or my personal favourite "I know someone who smoked and lived till their 90's".......you will regret thinking that when you are told you have the C bomb, trust me! Here I am fighting to live, and people I love are basically killing themself in front of me. I wish I could transfer how it felt to sit and be told you have the C bomb, beacuse maybe they would understand that they will regret it and they will not think it was worth it.
The other part that gets the goat really up and gone is the cost! If you can't afford to do nice things with your kids why can you afford to smoke? If you can't afford food why can you afford to smoke? If you can't afford petrol why can you afford to smoke? If you can't afford to live I guess that's why you smoke?
Oh well each to their own, but I will never hear an excuse that will justify doing something so stupid and I hope the people I know either grow up and stop or by some miracle dodge that visit to cancer ward.
Sorry if that offends anyone, but when you're fighting to live people doing their best to kill themselves makes you a bit angry.
Live the life you love and love the life you live - Bob Marley

Big month this month!! Need to start the new journey, easter, plus I will officially own a 4 year old boy! Apparently we need a green bike, and not too fussed on a party......he says now! So I better googled 'how to be a mother and give them a good birthday' ideas.
I was standing in a coffee shop the other day and the owner was talking to a customer, no I was not listening, and the customer was asking something about old loves health and she replied "oh they still don't know" and the customer was like "goodness this has been going on for a long time" "try years! I wish they would just tell me if I'm dying or not"......what the?? How sad to be living with that thought in the back of your mind, and once again I blame bloody Dr's who play God and think they can tell people if they are "dying"! Well obviously you champion, we are ALL dying!! How about they concentrate on finding out what the problem is and seeing whether they can help, rather than scaring the shit out of people. And when they find what it is how about trying to FIX it rather than masking with their beloved drugs.
Speaking of dying. My goat is a little up again this week! Smokers! I truly do not understand smokers. If I knew what it was that had made my tumour grow I would never go near it again, never let anyone I know go near it. Why do people do something they know could potentially kill them? And not in a pleasant go to sleep one night and wake up dead kind of way! More like in a I struggle to breath and I'm coughing up my lung ling kind of way. More like in a I now have cancer and my stupid justification for smoking seem so stupid now. More in a I have primary lung cancer that has now travelled to my other organs, bones and brain kind of way. You will wish you were dead, but not before you regret ever having picked up a cigarrette saying "well we all have to die of something" or my personal favourite "I know someone who smoked and lived till their 90's".......you will regret thinking that when you are told you have the C bomb, trust me! Here I am fighting to live, and people I love are basically killing themself in front of me. I wish I could transfer how it felt to sit and be told you have the C bomb, beacuse maybe they would understand that they will regret it and they will not think it was worth it.
The other part that gets the goat really up and gone is the cost! If you can't afford to do nice things with your kids why can you afford to smoke? If you can't afford food why can you afford to smoke? If you can't afford petrol why can you afford to smoke? If you can't afford to live I guess that's why you smoke?
Oh well each to their own, but I will never hear an excuse that will justify doing something so stupid and I hope the people I know either grow up and stop or by some miracle dodge that visit to cancer ward.
Sorry if that offends anyone, but when you're fighting to live people doing their best to kill themselves makes you a bit angry.
Live the life you love and love the life you live - Bob Marley
Marg I hear you, smoking is my biggest hate of all time. I automatically think less of someone for doing it, horrible probably, but I do. If they were just killing themselves I wouldn't care, but when I can't go anywhere with my children without someone blowing toxic smoke all over them it makes me absolutely furious. I yell at anyone who comes within breathing distance of us with a cigarette now, I'd rather look a bit psycho than let someone fill my babies lungs with their smoke. They might not care but I bloody do!
hey Marg, just got a chance to read over this. I'm with you on the smoking thiing - my father just passed away from cancer recently from smoking and drinking excessively. I just want to rip cigarettes out of my friends mouths now! If only they could have seen him deteroriate so quickly. But on the other side, I guess people can say the same thing about drinking alcohol to some degree.
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