Sometimes we don't remember how lucky we are!!
Apart from a wee spot of brain shenanigans my life has been pretty good, and still is! I love the people who I have in my life, I have everything I need plus extras, I am able to work, to love and experience life without limitations. Limitations from bad health, financial situations, religious beliefs or the rules of a country. When we are all so lucky why do we all still moan? I know I do. We all do. How much do we need to satisfy this unattainable idea of perfection, or how little do we need to realise how good it was before. Or how much do we need to try to justify the need for more? Not caring who we hurt in the process of getting it?
So I'm slack, obviously, with this blog, but honestly life has just been same same. Following the rules, working, juicing, enema'ing. And I feel good!! I feel the same as I did last year so I'm pretty happy with that. I'm also happy with the path I've chosen to follow, they told me they couldn't fix me then tried to pretend that new drugs would, I've seen others (and heard of others) who took the other least 2 are now dead. And I can't help but wonder how they felt in the period between the c bomb and the end (less than a year). I don't think they would of felt good. I wonder how Dr's decide to sell their drugs to us when they know they probably won't work, you'll feel like shit and die anyhow.
I nearly died last week!!!! From heart failure! Honestly my heart can not take being at the final origin game!!! I'm a terrible loser! My heart was racing and my stomach in knots the whole time! I felt like I didn't breathe until the final siren! It's only football some say, no it's origin!!!
Anyhow, I've been quite the moody bitch lately!
Bloods being taken tomorrow to see how it's traveling, although just had a cheeky tooth pulled out today and it was infected so that may muck things up a big. Plus I took pain killers last night for the first time since my op, so I could sleep! Stupid tooth!!
I've also been going to the gym! And my lord!! You wouldn't think I swam and played sport all my life! So unfit and my muscles feel old! Depressing! Hopefully they start to wake up again soon!
I'm only as strong as my weakest moment