People wanting me to feed children in Africa, give money to forests every month, buy a new boat for Greenpeace......... I have no money and if they wanted me to feed kids in Africa they would let me have one!! Just some cute little ones can come and live with me and I'll feed them good and proper.
So in future can you please not presume that just because of someone's hair, outfit, face, shoes, car, underwear that you know what the person is like. And don't ask me to save African's babies if you don't want to give them to me! Please.
We are all guilty of judging people on our first impressions, and sometimes we give them a chance and they turn our to be sour anyhow. Can't win!
That's all I have
Without you blowing wind in my sails this is a lonely sail
Now that all cracked me up...always thinking of you hun....Wish you had no need to write this blog, but it sure does make me laugh and smile think how freaking good I got it. xxxx
I HATE the C bomb. Found out last week "another" friend has it. The most aggressive form....C SUCKS BALLS!!!!
I so get you on this. When my hair was red, and my facial peircings new (so large obvious bits of metal in my face), I'd notice that the "save the world charity people" would try and talk to everyone in front of me, but they wouldn't even look at me. Looks are just that, looks.
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