Monday, August 1, 2011

Things to Do........

Before you get cancer.....

1. Stop smoking!!!! I have ranted before on this!  Every time you light up a smoke it's like a smack in the face to anyone who is sick through no foolish actions of their own such as this.  It's a slap in the face of every parent who has a sick child, that has not done anything to deserve to have their life threatened by bad health.  I'm sick of the excuses "well I've got to die of something" "my nanna smoked till 100", remember those excuses when you have to tell your children, partner, mother, father, sisters, brothers, friends, that you've got cancer.  Remember those excuses when you are struggling to breath.

2. Avoid artificial sweeteners; including saccharin, aspartame, acesulfame potassium, sucralose, neotame, and cyclamate......the fact that it is ARTIFICIAL should deter you in the first place, but if not how about the fact that it can increase your risk of cancer.  Bladder cancer, brain cancer, lymphoma, leukemia.......need anything else to put you off?  You are NOT being "healthy" having the the 'diet' version!  If you are that worried about drinking/eating whatever it is in the first place why not just NOT have it??  If you want your tea sweeter put some raw sugar in!  Or none at all!  If you don't want to get fat drinking coke, DON'T drink coke!  Use it to clean your toilet!  Is not putting on weight more important that maintaining your health?  Since when is looking good in jeans more important that avoiding shopping for a coffin?

3. Eat more 'green' stuff and WHOLE foods (organic where you can); fairly obvious this one?  Yet how many of us gorge on green leafy vegetables?  How many of us have whole grain breads/pastas/brown rice??  You you refined these things you are stripping all of the goodness, all of the vitamins, you just end up with a plain looking, plain tasting, nutritionally naked, difficult to break down object that you are putting into your body.  Vegetables are magic, that are packed full of vitamins and enzymes, they provide your cells with the strength to heal us, protect us from getting sick or diseased.  They balance our pH, they have folate, they have phytochemicals that act as antioxidants against cancer cells, protect your digestive system from bad bacterias, beta-carotene (more protection from cancer and other diseases) which also converts to vitamin A, provide potassium for your heart and muscles, calcium for your bones, vitamin C, fibre......just eat them!  Drink them!! Steam them!! Roast them!! Have them RAW!
Go organic!!  Yes it is more expensive, what is the price on you and your children's life?  Conventional fruit and veggies are full of carcinogenic poisons and lack in the nutrients of their conterparts growing naturally with health in mind, not the appearance and profit.

4. Avoid Sulfates;  The cells in our amazing bodies are made up of proteins which need continuously rejuvenate to replace old and damaged cells with new fresh strong ones, every cell gets replaced every 7 years!  How amazing are our bodies......when we are allowing them too!  Sodium Lauryl Sulfate
affects the bodies proteins by forming a bridge between the fat soluble and water soluble parts of the protein molecule. This disrupts the whole cell, it becomes useless and it collapses! So then our body starts to madly work at fixing this but the new proteins don't have time to properly during the formation of them. SLS as mimics oestrogen, creating the potential to cause other cancers. It is known that high levels of oestrogen can cause breast and ovarian cancer, and in fact, cancer cells actually secrete their own oestrogen, which makes the tumor grow larger......
A single shampooing can generate more cancer causing nitrates than a pound of bacon with its toxic combination of SLS and nitrates..........even though we can't avoid all carcinogens in the the environment we can do our best to avoid those that we can.  Read your shampoo, body wash, soap, creams, tooth paste.
5. Stop using fluoride;  I've had a whinge about this before.....even though someone I live with insists on keeping on using it!!  Go to and see why you should think twice before brushing your teeth with fluoride, and allowing a dent!!st to tell you what is best for your health.  It's scary!
More to follow soon.......
On me and my head.  
Feel fine!  It's probably almost illegal how good I feel when some dr's think I shouldn't be!  Apart from the fact my thyroid is being a right prat and not cooperating (will get it under control) everything else seems to be going fine!!  The hypothyroidism thing should be making be feel crap apparently so once it's fixed I'll probably be issued with some sort of superhero cape!
Signed my life over to the gym for 12 months (or until I'm sick of it and pay $75 to keep my awesomeness to myself) and I'm feeling much better about myself.  Haven't done exercise in so long the poor body is probably in shock, but having grown up playing sport and maintaining some fitness usually (apart from the naughty alcohol consumption) it's good to start releasing those good endorphins the boxing classes will come in handy next time an oncologist is rude to me!
My baby (4!!!) starts prep next year!!  Had an interview the other day for him.......sometimes I think he is too little, but that's just because he's my baby.  I need to let him go otherwise he'll grow into a mummy's boy! He's very excited!  The year of "being 5" means "I go to big school and I can play soccer", he's so funny this his little time lines for his life!  I am looking forward to when he's is 19 and "builds a big house", hopefully it's for his mother!
You can't have a rainbow without the rain.

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