I created this blog over one year ago I am guessing by it's description......before my life changed!
Have never blogged before as I think "who would care" "I have nothing interesting to say", nothing has changed hahaha but I think I want to talk to myself.
My life so far I have condensed into dates, dates that make me who I am TODAY.
6th January 1985; I was born, in a dramatic fashion of course, kicked my the "waste bag" open and covered myself with my own shit from the womb!
29th April 2007; gave birth to my beautiful, crazy, mischief, lovable son Xavier-Joseph
20th March 2010; had my last alcoholic beverage :-( (I swear I am much more interesting drunk!!), had a seizure, the "tumour" was found.
29th March 2010; the (supposed benign) tumour was evicted.
7th April 2010; the C-bomb was dropped on me, NOT bengin Stage III Oliodrendroglioma (nasty bastard that's not got a good reputation, like most brain tumours)
What was offered:
Radiation; may help to "extent" survival to 5 years, but no chance of cure, short term memory loss, damage to glands, hair loss, increased risk of other cancers, communciation issues.
Chemo; TRIAL drugs as it is identified as being a tumour unresponsive to chemo, but hey we would like to try on you! Poison you and wreck your immunity, make you feel ike shit and lower your quality of life....
NO CURE.......
I don't like these options, so time to look elsewhere, sink or swim........
Of course I want QUANITY in my life, but I also need QUALITY! Why can't I kill this cancer?? Or at least manage it so that I can LIVE.
What we found:
Gersons therapy; I have been doing a modified version of this since May 2010, as I wanted to try and maintain a life and work to provide for my family.........April 2011 will see me stop working full time and embark on full time gersons therapy (maybe should of gone the whole hog from the start).....I'm not gersons expert, but in a nutshell it's going to be me on a hard core strict dietary healing adventure for the next 2 years, constantly detoxing and pumping my body full of fresh organic juices (13 a day), raw foods, not animal products, coffee enemas, castor oil, supplements and enzymes. Reset my body, get the oxygen back into the blood, alkalinity restored, make it impossible for cancer to survive!! This is my wish.
Radiowave therapy; in a nushell; Dr Holt's theory that cancer needs to sugar to grow, so block the body from taking up sugar and treat with radiowaves (lower on the spectrum than microwaves) which encourages cells to grow, but no sugar = starve!! Hopefuly. Here on my third treatment trip now, and will see in the anniversary of the start of this journey in treatment. Bitter sweet?? Have heard such amazing stories from other patients on all trips and it gives hope. And that's what I need, we all need.
Who lets me do this....
My dad; with his healthy dose of conspiracy theories and background in organic farming, much prefers to see his daughter treated with things that makes sense to him. And provides me with different suggestions all the time, even suggesting eaating dirt....
My mother; gives everything to all of her children and has had to sell all body organs to bring me to Perth for treastment. My travelling companion, shopping buddy and she tastes all of the alcohol over here for me, selfless!
My partner; works 70+ hours a week to provide for us and still comes home to put up with me; my craziness, my mood swings and my shitty news, still manages to say that he loves me each day.
My sisters and brother; there supporting me always, my youngest sister lives with me and plays a big part in helping care from my son, his second mother.
Friends; I am definately gifted with QUALITY in that department!! Whether they have been in my life for 23 years or 1 year I have been sent some of the most amazing people to share my journey through life with. They support every crazy idea I have and never lose hope in my victory. I just hope they know how special each one is to me, and each brings me something different and injects light and laughter into my days!
My bosses; I truly have been blessed with supportive bosses!! They have worked around me and supported me during all of the treatments, Dr's appointments, time off and crazy ideas, when most bosses would say enough is enough. One inparticular has enriched my life so much and lets me share my crazy and sometimes gross stories with her!
My son; obviously is still my reason for everything. For believing in a cure and in being there for him.
My stepdaughter; a girl that has been through enough, and well if I'm not here to motivate her father to motivate her, who will?? HAHAHA
My survival list:
1. I will see my son graduate from high school
2. I will dance with my son at his wedding
3. I will grow old and senile and pester young people
4. I will give birth to a daughter.
5. I will prove a point to the medical profession who don't believe in cures
Medicine is a business, a profit focused business, they are not here to save my life.
Anyhow maybe I will get a handle on this "blogging" business, even if I don't maybe it will supply me with some sanity? Maybe to late for that??
Anyhow "my brain is perfectly healthy and my body is strong"
Have never blogged before as I think "who would care" "I have nothing interesting to say", nothing has changed hahaha but I think I want to talk to myself.
My life so far I have condensed into dates, dates that make me who I am TODAY.
6th January 1985; I was born, in a dramatic fashion of course, kicked my the "waste bag" open and covered myself with my own shit from the womb!
29th April 2007; gave birth to my beautiful, crazy, mischief, lovable son Xavier-Joseph
20th March 2010; had my last alcoholic beverage :-( (I swear I am much more interesting drunk!!), had a seizure, the "tumour" was found.
29th March 2010; the (supposed benign) tumour was evicted.
7th April 2010; the C-bomb was dropped on me, NOT bengin Stage III Oliodrendroglioma (nasty bastard that's not got a good reputation, like most brain tumours)
What was offered:
Radiation; may help to "extent" survival to 5 years, but no chance of cure, short term memory loss, damage to glands, hair loss, increased risk of other cancers, communciation issues.
Chemo; TRIAL drugs as it is identified as being a tumour unresponsive to chemo, but hey we would like to try on you! Poison you and wreck your immunity, make you feel ike shit and lower your quality of life....
NO CURE.......
I don't like these options, so time to look elsewhere, sink or swim........
Of course I want QUANITY in my life, but I also need QUALITY! Why can't I kill this cancer?? Or at least manage it so that I can LIVE.
What we found:
Gersons therapy; I have been doing a modified version of this since May 2010, as I wanted to try and maintain a life and work to provide for my family.........April 2011 will see me stop working full time and embark on full time gersons therapy (maybe should of gone the whole hog from the start).....I'm not gersons expert, but in a nutshell it's going to be me on a hard core strict dietary healing adventure for the next 2 years, constantly detoxing and pumping my body full of fresh organic juices (13 a day), raw foods, not animal products, coffee enemas, castor oil, supplements and enzymes. Reset my body, get the oxygen back into the blood, alkalinity restored, make it impossible for cancer to survive!! This is my wish.
Radiowave therapy; in a nushell; Dr Holt's theory that cancer needs to sugar to grow, so block the body from taking up sugar and treat with radiowaves (lower on the spectrum than microwaves) which encourages cells to grow, but no sugar = starve!! Hopefuly. Here on my third treatment trip now, and will see in the anniversary of the start of this journey in treatment. Bitter sweet?? Have heard such amazing stories from other patients on all trips and it gives hope. And that's what I need, we all need.
Who lets me do this....
My dad; with his healthy dose of conspiracy theories and background in organic farming, much prefers to see his daughter treated with things that makes sense to him. And provides me with different suggestions all the time, even suggesting eaating dirt....
My mother; gives everything to all of her children and has had to sell all body organs to bring me to Perth for treastment. My travelling companion, shopping buddy and she tastes all of the alcohol over here for me, selfless!
My partner; works 70+ hours a week to provide for us and still comes home to put up with me; my craziness, my mood swings and my shitty news, still manages to say that he loves me each day.
My sisters and brother; there supporting me always, my youngest sister lives with me and plays a big part in helping care from my son, his second mother.
Friends; I am definately gifted with QUALITY in that department!! Whether they have been in my life for 23 years or 1 year I have been sent some of the most amazing people to share my journey through life with. They support every crazy idea I have and never lose hope in my victory. I just hope they know how special each one is to me, and each brings me something different and injects light and laughter into my days!
My bosses; I truly have been blessed with supportive bosses!! They have worked around me and supported me during all of the treatments, Dr's appointments, time off and crazy ideas, when most bosses would say enough is enough. One inparticular has enriched my life so much and lets me share my crazy and sometimes gross stories with her!
My son; obviously is still my reason for everything. For believing in a cure and in being there for him.
My stepdaughter; a girl that has been through enough, and well if I'm not here to motivate her father to motivate her, who will?? HAHAHA
My survival list:
1. I will see my son graduate from high school
2. I will dance with my son at his wedding
3. I will grow old and senile and pester young people
4. I will give birth to a daughter.
5. I will prove a point to the medical profession who don't believe in cures
Medicine is a business, a profit focused business, they are not here to save my life.
Anyhow maybe I will get a handle on this "blogging" business, even if I don't maybe it will supply me with some sanity? Maybe to late for that??
Anyhow "my brain is perfectly healthy and my body is strong"
You don't have nothing to say - you just made me laugh and cry with your very first Blog post, pretty good going I think! :-D Thankyou for letting us follow along while you kick cancers butt, we're always here if you need extra boots x
Marg, you inspire me each and every day and we have never even met. Your strength and determination is something you need to be proud of! You will achieve your goal hun, I know it.
You would have to be one of the most inspiring women that I have ever meet and I'm so glad that I have met you....I have laughed so much with you sometimes, and there have been times that I have cried for you, you certainly bring life into perspective for me........
I will dream with you, believe with you, and pray that all things on your list come to life, keep hope before you eyes.......
Keep blogging because I believe through your words and your journey you will give hope and help others to overcome their fear, and find courage within themselves to rise and fight just as you are........you have a destiny of greatness before you......
How can I follow what you have just written - beautiful! I have tears, you are such an inspiration. If only there were more people like you chicky.
Cath xx
Marg, you have plenty to say, and I want to hear it. Your positive attitude, not giving in is so so inspiring. Your post had so many emotions running through me. I love your survival list, and you will check each and every one of them off. xx
Loved reading your blog. Hope you have more to say soon
Well if you dont keep this blog up...well where will I get my daily dose of chuckles from.
Thanks for the tears and smiles your post just gave me. It was so inspiring...I wish more than anything none of this was happening to you....You have amazing strength and if anyone can beat this YOU CAN!!!
Wow.....You have such an awesome way of thinking Marg. I had a giggle and a cry whilst reading this. Hope you are able to keep it up cause so many ppl could benefit from your inspiring attitude. Thanks for sharing xxxx
I think you actually have a lot to say, and I love the way you say it. Seriously you had me in tears, and then seconds later laughing.
Pretty impressive for your first ever blog post.
I honestly think your outlook on life is amazing. You really should be proud of just how strong you are, you are very inspiring even though I know that's not your intent.
If anyone has the balls to kick cancer to the kerb it's you, I'll be cheering you on from the sidelines.
Wow that was alot to say for someone with not much to say. I wish you every success in what will be I imagine a roller coaster ride both physically and emotionally. Good luck.
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