Thursday, March 17, 2011

Shower yourself healthy

There are certain things everyone tries to avoid........drinking draino, eating green chicken, licking battery acid. But do you take any notice of what you are washing yourself and your family with in the shower, in the washing machine, in your mouths?
We grew up with certain things we weren't allowed, one notable one being fluoride. Fluoride free toothpaste and the "no fluoride" on the school dentist forms.
So I thought I could share a wee list of things I would like all of my family and friends to avoid, if you want to protect your health. It's fairly easy to substitute most of these things....
Use fluoride and SLS free toothpaste;fluroride is used in PESTICIDES and is more poisonous than lead, builds up in your kidneys, causes fluorosis, can damage your BRAIN causing damage and impairment to ecspecially the dveloping brain, impaired thyroid function, skeletal fluorosis.......need anymore effects???
SLS and SLES free; Lauryl Sulphate and Sodium Laureth Sulfate are used as foaming agents (surfactants), this sucker has about 180 other names as well, it's a dioxane.....known CARCINOGEN!!! OUr skin is our biggest organ and absorbs everything we put on it!! Would you rub battery acid on your skin? These babies cause skin irritation, hormone imbalances, eye irritation and formationdeformities, cancer causing......enough reason to change to natural soaps and cleaners?? It doesn't need to cost you more either!! Natural cleaning products are FAR cheaper and you can make your own laundry powder for a fraction of the cost
Aluminium free;  this includes deodorant AND cooking utensils; alzheimer's!! It's a nasty metal that gets all up in that brain of ours! And messes with your wiring, fun fun hey. It has not beneficial function to living cells (so a great idea to rub that on your armpits everyday). It crosses the blood brain barrier and is now linked to breast cancer......and if you have read my previous blog it can be a bitch to find a good alluminium free one, I have tried so many in my life (especially during the last 12 months!!) but going on my latest friendly deodorant the mineral crystal ones are a winner!!
Aspartame;artificial sweetener, it has over 90 identified different health side effects......effects your eyes, ears, brain, psychological being, chest (blood pressure, shortness breath), gastro problems, skin and allergies, metabolic changes.......can CAUSE/mimic/trigger: Chronic fatigue, epstein-barr, grave's disease, MS, alzheimers; epilespy, lupus, fibromyalgia; non-hodgkins lymphoma, this not enough reason to BAN 'sugar free' in our households?? If you don't want to get 'fat' from drinking soft drink, don't drink it! It's bad enough in it's "normal" form far less in "sugar free/diet"  There is SO much more but I think this wee list is enough for anyone to start with.......I can't think of any reason I would want my family ingesting any of these products. SO do yourself and your children a favour and try to AVOID things that can harm you.

I used to avoid everything like this, and then over the last few years for one reason or another I did lose sight of what was important and cost and convenience did play a factor, but our health has no price, so I am now putting my foot back down in my household and standing by the things I had always believed in. I think being with someone who had a very different upbringing and views on health etc made me to relaxed about the danger fed to us each day. So I am reclaiming my position as QUEEN of the household, and unfortunately it's got to be my way now or no way! Otherwise I may as well feed the family rat bait for dinner with a side of anthrax and fresh roundup.

SO today I had a special treat, it is coming up to 12months since this C bomb was dropped, so my mother unit, my sister and my brother in law organised for me to have a special hands on experience here at the Perth zoo with the organg-utans!! I was the only one on the tour so I got to throw them apples and learn about their different personalities and the hierarchy......and then I got to go and feed one of the girls and her baby some grapes!!! And the baby was holding onto my arm!! SO cute and so clever!! So IN LOVE!!

Sometimes I miss you, and then I remind myself why I lost you.


Trish the Dish said...

sister has further surprises for you.

Margaret said...

From you this worries me! Hope you're not spending $$$